Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Power of Being Real

I have been singing my whole life. Quite literally. From the time I was very small, I felt singing connected me to the Divine (still do, in fact). I've listened to a lot of singers and I love a lot of them. But every so often, I am struck not just by a voice or a song but by what someone captures in a moment with their voice, with their being. It is impossible to describe when that happens. I have felt it myself in rare moments. There is a silence that falls between you and your fellow humans afterward and you know IT has happened -- that ineffable sense that a great chord has been struck somewhere and no one who was there is ever the same again.

This was what happened when I saw this video:

Yes, I know, I know -- this was a singing contest, replete with Simon Cowell glaring from the judge's box and Mum standing nervously in the wings, with the crowds totally primed to love this little girl. Got it.

But when the camera catches this child's eyes as she's singing, all I see is a little girl -- not someone preening for the camera. She's just a little 6 or 7 year old, complete with missing front teeth who is absolutely, incredibly herself. And she is Divine. More than just her singing, which is beautiful -- she is beautiful in her completeness.

This is what happens when we let go and just Be. This is the music that happens when we do that.

I know I am a different person because of Connie and I will never forget her.