Monday, October 23, 2006

Coming Soon: New Voices

I was inspired recently to start inviting other sound healers to write for this blog. When the idea first came to me it took me a bit by surprise. I really love writing the posts and while I have had my lapses, as time has gone on, it's gotten easier to just let the inspiration flow and to write about what's so for me in the moment rather than think I have to come up with something profound.

Julia Cameron, author of Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, writes about "coming up with ideas" versus setting them down on paper -- in other words, getting stuck in the "analysis paralysis," which has been the reason for some of my lapses here. So I'm learning to just trust that what needs to be said will come. I just need to allow it.

What that has to do with sound healing is very simple: it's important not only in sound healing but in every aspect of life to get out of my own way so that Life can flow through. Most often when I meet with clients, I don't come with a plan on how the session is going to go. I let the client tell me and I let my intuition guide me as to what I need to do. And the same goes with writing.

So when I got the "nudge" to invite someone else to post an article here, I listened, and the more I thought about it, the more it seemed like a win-win. For one thing, I certainly don't know all there is to know about sound healing and it's good to hear others' experiences and wisdom. Second, it will be nice to have a variety of voices on this blog. I think it will be more interesting and draw more readers, not only for me but for the people who write here.

I think the more each of us taps into that well of wisdom that resides in us and allow it to come forth, the richer will be the field of resources we have to draw from. And the richer the field, the more we have to draw from and contribute. It's a beautiful cycle.

So if you're reading this and are interested in contributing, please leave a comment for me with a way of contacting you. Let's talk about how you might contribute your voice to this blog!

Sing the song of your heart!


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