Tuesday, October 03, 2006


There is a man I know who makes gorgeous Native American flutes and from the moment I saw them on his website, I knew I had to have one. They are absolutely gorgeous! (You can see them here: http://bluestarlove.com/AdoptaChild.html) Even though I have never touched a flute before, I was drawn to them because of Blue's story, and also a story of my own.

I love to attend Native American sweat lodges, especially with my dear friend, Carl Big Heart. (You can learn more about Carl and his work here http://tinyurl.com/fl8q9 and here http://tinyurl.com/etlc3) A year or so ago, I was attending one of the talks Carl gives the day before a lodge and on a break, I went outside to sing my heart, as I often do. After I had finished and was walking back inside, Carl asked me if I would mind playing my flute for everyone as we began the next part of the talk. I looked at him dumbfounded, since I had been singing -- not playing the flute. A friend of mine who happened to be standing there said, "Sandra, he didn't know you were singing!" We sorted it out and I sang, which was good since I had never played the flute and didn't have one with me! Now, I truly love to sing but since that day, I have thought about learning to play the flute, as well.

Fast forward another year or so. I am on the email list for the Go Gratitude Experiment (www.gogratitude.com) and I received an email from them about a filmmaker named Blue Star, who also happens to make Native American flutes. (He calls them Star Children.) The more I read about him personally, about his work and the more I looked at the flutes, I knew that if I was going to buy a flute, this was the person I wanted to get it from. I didn't have the money to buy one at the time, but each time I would get an email from Blue, I would go to his website and just admire his latest creations.

Recently I had the idea to see if I could buy one of the flutes on layaway, paying a little bit each month until the flute was completely paid for. I wrote to Blue Star, not really sure how he would feel about it. Imagine my surprise and pleasure when he agreed. With the amount I could afford to pay, I estimated it would take about seven months for me to receive my Star Child, but I knew the time would fly and I was happy anticipating its arrival.

I got a surprise about a week ago when my flute arrived in the mail about five months early. I hadn't even made my second payment yet! I believe this happened for several reasons:

1) Blue Star is a generous soul who could see my intent was coming from a good place.
2) I kept my vibration high with excitment and anticipation about receiving this beautiful instrument.
3) The Universe wants to bring us joy and wants us to share that joy with others.

Since I received my Star Child, I have played her nearly every day. She is truly a source of joy and connection to me. I have also taken her with me in my volunteer work for a local hospice. Even though I feel a little shy about playing, as a beginner, having my Star Child with me is somehow comforting and when I have felt called to play, people have responded favorably.

The moral of the story is that sometimes we are called to people or to things (like an instrument) and we may not understand why at the time. But I believe if we learn to listen to that calling, it will take us places we never dreamed and grow us in ways we could never have anticipated. Have the courage to play your unique song and you will not only be blessed yourself, but you will be a blessing to others.

Sing the song of your heart!

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