Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Healing Balm

Today I had one of those little incidents happen that, on the surface, might seem insignificant -- just a slight annoyance. But it triggered a lot of feelings that had been lurking just below the surface, surprising me with their ferocity. A package that had been left at my front door was stolen and what it kicked up for me was a lot of insecurities, anger and of course judgment about the person who did it.

I have a lot of little "tricks" I use to get myself out of funky-feeling places, and they all worked reasonably well at getting me to feel a little bit better. But in the middle of my funk I remembered I was scheduled to participate (as a listener) in a teleconference sponsored by NESHRI and featuring Dr. Molly Scott. Molly is an amazing gift to the world and especially to the sound healing community, as she bridges the allopathic therapeutic world and the intuitive-shamanistic world, which was the topic of her talk this evening. As Molly shared her story and her wisdom with us, I found myself relaxing and realizing that sound, which is just vibration that we can hear, is what I really needed to reach that wounded place inside. Here I've been reading about and learning about all these other "tricks" and healing modalities, while all along, they've led me back to sound. Molly's soothing voice and calm assurance convinced me that sound is my healing path above all others and that right then, sound was what I needed.

After I got off the call, I did some toning. (In case you don't know, toning is simply, in the words of sound healer Neil Wakeling, "allowing whatever sound is inside you to express itself.") I played my flute a little bit also, but mostly, I sang to my wounded self. Without words, without any lengthy self analysis, I got to the root of my hurt and felt better. There are many healing modalities out there and they all have something to offer, but for me, sound is the most direct connection to my spirit there is and so shall it ever be.


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